Although fad diets come and go throughout the years, the key concepts of a plant-based diet are something to take note off for it’s many health benefits.
There is still confusion around the amount of sugar we can eat and how we can lower our intake in a country that thrives on sweets. Read on. Get the answers!
We are offering you the wonderful experience of a sound bath. It is for vishuddha (throat chakra), which is connected to clear communication and voicing your truth.
In our society today, diet culture revolves around the belief that certain foods are either good or bad. Restrictive diets don’t work as a healthy lifestyle change.
There is nothing is worse than not being able to fall asleep at night. You may feel exhausted, yet responsibilities, deadlines, ideas, and worry will suddenly creep in.
Wanna learn how to make 11 oatmeal bites, so you’ll have plenty for breakfast and some leftover for the rest of the week’s breakfasts or snack? Read on!
We are planting seeds each and every day, cultivating patience, trust, and shraddha (faith). Keep reading to see what seeds Ava and Rochelle have buried!
Ava Moreno, shares YAMA (thefirstbranchofyoga), with us this week. She has recentlybeendivingintoasteya: non-stealing. How would you journal about this?
Spices and herbs may be one of the most underrated ingredients that you have in the back of your kitchen cabinet. Figure out which ones are the most necessary!