Tracy Lynn is quite simply a mover with intention, a shaker with passion, a lover of all things that the universe puts in front of her. She is a wild little creature in love with life and not afraid to show you in all the ways she embraces her journey. She has a magical way of living and breathing in her truth. She has conviction in who she is as a human being and she is beautiful, inside and out.
She signs everything as ‘Tracy Lynn with love’ because she believes in doing everything with love and a whole lotta heart. She is a dancer. She is a teacher of yoga. She is a hugger. She is a kisser. She is unapologetically herself. And she captivates anyone who knows her and those that watch her from afar. She has lived life and has a story to tell if you are willing to listen.
Optimist Made loves Tracy Lynn because of her incredible commitment to be the best human that she can be in this life. Tracy Lynn, go get it! We can’t wait to watch it all happen!
xoxo, Optimist Made
Instagram: @tracylynnwithlove