LAUREN – OptimistMade

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    • Lauren is a bright light. She loves the world that she lives in and exploring what this beautiful Earth has to offer us. She is passionate about the environment, human and animal rights. She is compelled to make this planet the best it can be and that starts with humankind being the best it can be. She has worked relentlessly to write her future, which will take her off to the University of Colorado Boulder, this fall. 

      Lauren is passionate about self-love and the fact that ‘you are the only you’ on this planet. She believes that we need to honor ourselves like we honor others and refuse to take ourselves for granted. If we take these moments to appreciate ourselves, we will realize how spectacular we are, as well as, our bodies that carry us through each and every day. Once you accept yourself and love yourself, the love will come back to you in spades.

      Lauren was reminded of this idea of accepting your gifts and sharing your talents with the world when her mom, Cindy Swenson, recently started a small business. Soulshine Jewelry out of Palos Verdes, CA, makes wired wrapped crystal necklaces designed to embrace your inner beauty and shine. One of her favorite designs comes from rose quartz crystal, which attracts self-love and acceptance to yourself. Lauren opens her own heart by helping people with special needs. In high school, she became a peer mentor and gravitated to the friendliness, passion and positivity of the kids. They just wanted a little acceptance. Lauren wanted a deeper immersion and joined Best Buddies, which sets you up with a friend that has special needs. Lauren is passionate about helping them get more visibility and support in any way possible, because that is just who she is as a person. Simply amazing.

      Optimist Made loves Lauren because of her caring spirit, incredible conviction and internal strength. She is full of positivity and passion for what she believes in. She strives to the lengthiest degree to do what is right and fair for others. She is a lover and we love her back!

      xoxo, Optimist Made




      Best Buddies

      Soulshine Jewelry 

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