Ava is a lover of dance and it seeps all throughout her soul. She parlays her experience as a dancer into her work as an instructor of yoga and fitness. But, it doesn't stop there. This powerhouse will connect with you without having to exchange a word. Her spirit runs deep and it is breathtakingly beautiful.
When Ava moves, it is like listening to the sweetest song. She cares about the health and safety of others having suffered from many severe injuries as a dancer. She moves her energy ever so freely around the spaces that she sits in. You really begin to appreciate her strength when you learn about the struggles she has overcome in her life. She is an advocate for mental health, suicide awareness and the expansive eating disorder epidemic because she has been there herself. But, she emerged the other side more beautiful and stronger. She is a role model for what a survivor looks like.
If you haven't already fallen in love with Ava enough... she is an animal lover! She is the mama to some beautiful kittens and if she sees a stray, it will probably come home with her. What is most admirable of all about Ava is the way she loves. There is never any doubt that cares, you will feel it all around you.
Optimist Made loves Ava because of her steadfast commitment to everybody and everything! She is focused and never does anything halfway. She is the embodiment of a true goddess!
xoxo, Optimist Made