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Anxiety and stress, especially during tough or fearful times, can take a severe toll or your mental and physical health. Stress is a response to a threat in a situation, while anxiety is a reaction to the stress. Chronic stress and anxiety can cause headaches, high blood pressure, skin rashes, loss of sleep, and overall unhappiness. Recognizing when you or a loved one is experiencing signs of anxiety or stress can help in reducing contribution to any health problems that may result. 



Keep reading for 4 tips on how to manage anxiety and stress: 

1) Get In Greenery

In a 2017 study, one of the world’s least stressful countries was Germany. Their formula for worry-free living involves having a high percentage of greenery, even within the city. Having plants around you in your household, or getting outdoors when possible can help you feel less enclosed and more comforted. Try having a plant or succulent near your work area, picking up some fresh flowers for yourself in your next grocery store visit, or committing to getting some fresh air outside.

2) Limit Social Media and the News

Social media can be an excellent outlet for connecting with friends and family. However, too much social media or news-watching may cause feelings of unproductively and uncertainty. For social media, unfollow any accounts that you don’t feel serves you, or limit the amount of time you spend on specific social media platforms. While it is important to stay up to date on current events, you may want to limit the amount of news information you are exposed to in a day. Make sure that the source of news you do choose to receive information from is accurate and trustworthy.

3) Take Care of Your Body

We all know that self-care is vital in managing your physical health as well as mental health. Try limiting alcohol and caffeine, which are both shown to aggravate anxiety and trigger panic attacks. Eat well-balanced meals with healthy snacks to maintain energy levels throughout the day. Make sure to aim for 8 hours of sleep per night, which is especially important when your body has feelings of stress. Lastly, try to get some movement or exercise daily, even if that means a short walk around the block.

4) Focus On What You Can Control

It is easy to feel powerless in certain situations that cause stress or anxiety. One way to relieve these feelings is accepting that you have these normal emotions, and then focusing on what you can control. It may be challenging to look beyond your immediate fears. Still, it is essential to recognize that these feelings will pass. Verbalizing your emotions to a loved one, a trusted friend, a physician or therapist, is an actionable step in getting help.




  1. Finding Help. Retrieved from https://www.mhanational.org/finding-help O'Hare, M. (2017, September 12). Revealed: The world's least stressful cities. Retrieved from https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/least-stressful-cities-2017/index.html



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