
Shredded is a de-constructed cropped leather jacket that is the perfect statement maker. It would be perfect on top of a bodysuit, tank or a fitted dress. Olja Einfalt, the designer, finds her inspiration through street art and you can see its influences in Shredded. It has an ease in the way it moves and wraps itself around the body. There is only one like it, so snatch it up while you can!
If you purchase Shredded, you will be 1 of 2 people in the United States to own it!More in this Collection

The Shift Jacket


Starbeams and Daisies

Cigar Slouch - Black

Cigar Slouch - Red

Black Angel

Zip Code

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Brocade Bolero Madre

The Boss

SYL Jacket

Fly With Me

Fairy Wings

Disco Shock Trench

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Came to Slay

A Regal Story